Our adjustment is effective on both recovery and conditioning. It helps to align your spine and extremitie's joints and helps to restore both joints and muscular function. When spinal alignment is better, both subspinal and extremity functions are naturally improved. That results in improvements of many different symptoms.

Knee pain & numbness

numbness in hand & legsknee issue

Chronic shoulder ache / pain

neck & shoulder ache


Suffered a tendon inflammation for about 6 mths. After 4 sessions, the pain is so much more manageable when walking. Now is all about maintenance care

Genetic issue

I'm someone who suffers from an extremely rare genetic condition which causes back pain & various pains. I've seen just about every doctor & specialist in SGH but none could provide any real answers or relief to my pain.  So when I was recommended to Dr.Hiroyuki of Kirolounge, I was very skeptical about how much he could help when all doctors & specialists have failed thus far. However, in just the first few sessions, there was a noticeable relief in my pain from having adjustments done and fixing posture. It's more effective than one would think.  Dr.Hiro is no miracle doctor and I still have my genetic condition. But I'm now confident that if you are a normal person who suffers from back pain or any pain, Dr. Hiro will be able to fix it. And if you are someone with any rare condition that causes you pain, you're likely to find some relief for your pain.  The staffs at Kirolounge are also very friendly and welcoming. I've always had a good experience being there.

Headache & Posture

headacheposture correction



Posture & energy level

posture correction

Lower back pain

lower back ache

Conditioning & Maintenance

Intermittent claudication